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Craigslist versus Asian Women | The Right Dating Agency

dating agency
Understand the difference between a real matchmaker and an ad

When people try to find love on the internet, a lot of them use a dating agency. They use a matchmaker because maybe it is difficult for them to get someone to go out with them. But the truth of the matter is that not all dating agencies are equal. In fact, some of them are not even dating agencies at all. Some of them are websites that make themselves look like dating agencies to scam users out of their money.

This is why finding the right company to offer matchmaking services is important. Not only will it save a person from being scammed, but it can also save them from the disappointment that comes from being heartbroken.

What Is Craigslist?

Craigslist is a website that functions in a manner similar to the classified ads in a newspaper. People post the services, which they are available to perform or items that they are selling. Some people also post ads for goods and services which they are looking for. Basically, a person can create an account and start posting.

Personals Are Random

The main benefit of using a proper website to find single women is simple. It’s the ability to filter out the results. A person can log on to the website of their choice, tick some boxes, and the results page will show them the women who met the parameters which they have set. They can then select a woman from those results.

That’s not the case with some other websites. Because people are simply posting whatever they fancy, there’s no real oversight regarding the women. Anyone can use any picture of a beautiful woman and then proceed from there.

No Verification

Verification is the process by which a website makes sure that a user is both an actual person and who they say they actually are. This allows them to keep bots and scammers to a minimum. But some websites do not have this feature, or they have it at a greatly reduced level than others.

This can lead to the legitimacy of many potential partners coming into question. After all, there’s no way to tell if they are even real people, let alone who they say they are. A lack of verification can lead to an undesirable outcome.

Meetups Are NOT Secured

Using confidential dating services generally means that at some point, two users are going to meet up. But the main drawback of trying to date off of a classified ad means that a person does not have any guarantee of safety when it comes to meeting the person that they have been in communication with.

But by using legitimate matchmaking services like Asian Women, users are guaranteed that there will be the highest level of security possible when meeting their potential partners. After all, user safety is of paramount importance.

A proper dating agency will do everything that they can to make sure that all of their users are able to meet in a safe environment.

What Is Asian Women?

Asian Women is a website that seeks to put men who have had a few missteps when it comes to finding love with beautiful, engaging Asian singles who want to expand their romantic prospects. It has been in the industry for over two decades, producing successful international marriages.

Presence of a Company Name

The presence of a company means one thing. It means that there is a guarantee of safety, security, and quality of service. Anyone can just post anonymously on the intent. But a company putting its name out there for its customers is them putting holding themselves to higher standards than some random person with a working computer. It means there is someone that the customer can turn to when they need help and that someone will be there for them when they need it.


When it comes to dating, people are not always truthful. Even the most successful relationships can sometimes have an element of deceit in the beginning, when a person pretends to be a better version of themselves, so as not to scare away their partner.

But some people on the internet go a step beyond that and pretend to be a different person entirely. But legit dating agencies make it a point to make sure that the women on the sites are sincerely looking to make a genuine match.

Meetups Are Secured

A secure meetup is a safe meetup. Meeting up in a random place is not advised, as a person can never be certain as to who is going to show up and how they are going to react to a date. However, the socials organized as part of singles vacation and other dates are perfectly safe. This is where our site’s singles event comes in.