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DON’Ts to Remember When Dating an Asian Woman on Valentines

scrabble letters forming the word “love” with a tiny paper heart beside
Whether it’s offline or online dating, be responsible and respectful by knowing what NOT to do on Valentine’s day.

Are you excited to celebrate Valentine’s Day with your Asian girlfriend? If you are, you must be very careful not to do anything that will result in disappointment or embarrassment. Keep in mind that both of you may celebrate Valentine’s the same day, but not the same way.

Effectively dating an Asian woman on Valentine’s Day involves knowing what not to do. Besides, doing the right thing will not only make your Valentine’s Day celebration a success but also amplifies your feelings towards each other.

So if you want to have the most romantic night of your life, here are some of the things you should not do while dating your Asian sweetheart this Valentine’s Day:

Don’t broadcast your V-day date on social media.

Keep your Valentine’s Day plan to yourself. Broadcasting on social media about where you’re going and what you’re doing is not a good idea. Instead, focus your energy and efforts on choosing how you can make your partner feel loved and cared for on V-day.

If you post a photo together and tag her on social media, there might be people who will comment hurtful words or post something bad. It’s best if you choose to remove yourself from the center of ridicule and mockery on social media. Make sure she doesn’t read any toxicity because it will ruin the moment and her mood.

Instead, you can just share photos and selfies with one another via private messaging or email.

Don’t spend your time doing energy-intensive outdoor activities.

Don’t get it wrong, doing outdoor activities together is a wonderful and fun experience. However, Valentine’s Day is a one-day event, hence pampering and relaxing are the more suitable things to do. Also, she may not have enough time and energy to travel outdoors and do the activities you want.

If you want to pursue hiking or kayaking on Valentine’s Day, make sure to inform her in advance so she can take a day off at work. If it’s a spontaneous plan, she might feel a little bit of pressure and anxiety, and you don’t want to let her feel any of those on the most romantic day holiday after New Year, right?

Don’t fret about doing outdoor activities together as you can always set them for a later time.

Don’t surprise her by sending a gift without your name on it.

In an online dating setting, playing the guessing game is not worth the time and effort. If you love your Asian girlfriend, don’t forget or be shy to put your name on every gift you give to her, especially this Valentine’s Day where there are plenty of anonymous people who might also be giving gifts to your partner.

Don’t take her out to dinner

man and woman hugging
When dating Asian women on Valentine’s Day, ask first if they’re actually celebrating it in their culture.

Always remember that Valentine’s Day is not only celebrated by couples but also friends and families. The majority of people in the city that you will go out to dine on V-day, be it in a restaurant, fast-food chain, or pub. This way, you’ll ditch the long lines and the crowd. Not to mention that most restaurants operate 50% or below capacity due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Don’t feel sad if you can’t take her out to a fancy restaurant, just think of it as a safety precaution. Plus, you’ll get the opportunity to spend time with her privately and intimately in her house or in your apartment.

What you can do is buy the ingredients earlier on that day so you can prepare the food in the afternoon. Once she’s going home from work, surprise her with a hearty dinner.

Don’t give her a generic Valentine’s Day card.

One of the worst things that you can give her in this era is a generic Valentine’s card. It’s simple and it feels like it’s not made from love. Instead, you can give her a hand-written letter.

Most Asian women appreciate hand-written letters because they are made with effort and from your own thoughts. Looking at your handwriting also feels different compared to looking at a generic Valentine’s card that’s bought from the store.

Don’t celebrate Valentine’s without knowing her culture.

This is one of the most important aspects you need to consider when it comes to celebrating an occasion or event with your sweetheart because you might do something that’s forbidden in their culture. For instance, if you’re dating Southeast Asian women, make sure to ask about what is acceptable according to her beliefs or religion. Keep in mind that Valentine’s Day is a Christian celebration and most Muslims don’t acknowledge it as a special occasion.

Proactively asking your Asian girlfriend whether she wants to celebrate it or not is a sign of respect. If she’s fine with it then proceed with your plans for the day. Also, find out what kind of food and activities she’s allowed during Valentine’s Day.

Don’t show too much public displays of affection (PDA).

Holding hands while walking is acceptable but hugging tightly and kissing torridly is something you might not want to do in public even if you’re situated in the darkest corner in the park. The thing about these gestures is that it’s not to showcase how much you love her in public, but a sign of respect for her and your relationship.

You don’t want to see a photo of you two smooching in a public area like the mall or park on social media the next morning, right? Pay careful attention to your actions. If you want to kiss her cheeks or lips in public, ask her permission first. Doing it coercively won’t make you a man anyway.

Don’t talk about past relationships.

To my forever valentine! I love you! words that are written on a paper
Preparation is everything, especially when you’re dating a foreign woman on Valentine’s

The most important thing you should NOT DO is to talk about past relationships. Talking about how you and your ex celebrate Valentine’s back in the day is a sign of disrespect to your date. She might misinterpret that as you not being ready for a new relationship or you not having moved on from your ex-girlfriend yet.

Veer away from any topic that will lead to talking about your previous relationships. If she’s the one who brings up the topic, then you’ll know that it could also be a sign. Surely, both of you will feel uncomfortable talking about the past. Instead, talk about the relationship and the path it’s heading, as well as plan for the future.

There are a lot of people out there who will tell you that you need to do this and that on Valentine’s Day yet so few people will tell you what not to do. The things you do on a date can either make or break your relationship, hence, preparation is key, especially when you’re dating a foreign woman.