Approaching Asian Women for Serious Conversations
To ace live interactions with the hundreds of foreign men travelling to Asia via singles tours, Asian women present themselves differently and in emulating foreign media, they act more shyly and demurely.
This is the wrong move. The easiest way to guaranty a match is to act straightforward and initiate conversation more.
Asian women stumble on how to handle conversation with foreigners they want to start relationships with because of how they think they should act according to movies and television. This misconception oftentimes has Asian women treating interactions like they're corporate interviews.
That's a silly way for Asian singles to go about achieving their dream.
Asian women should be open-minded and approachable. Always seizing the opportunity to have longer and deeper discussions. Talking is the purest form of exchanging ideas, and it is through conversation that a loving and lasting relationship can be fostered and furthered.
The best way to know whether the relationship can be solid or not is through glimpses from casual or serious dialogue.
To have a smooth time talking with foreign men, Asian women should consider places that are quiet and private--this allows for more frank and intimate discussion. It's also easier to talk when there's less people around.
Be careful of topics like politics or religion, especially during first dates. For other taboo topics, Asian women should stand firm and declare those as off-limits for now.
That goes for foreign men too. They don't need to learn Mandarin to corner interactions with Asian women.
For Philippine women wanting to be the Filipina pea to foreign men's pod and all Asian women, always be frank, be open-minded and be polite.
Meet elegant and love-seeking Asian women in the Philippines, China and Thailand.